This series of workshops is part of the RSA's Regions in Recovery conference. It aims to provide a platform for new and original research that critically examines the role of time and temporality in how we study, produce knowledge of, and inform decision-making on urban and regional infrastructure.
You can view the full conference program now on the desktop version of RSA Hub App. The NOIR Infrastructural Times workshop sessions are listed at https://events.rdmobile.com/Lists/Details/1110593 and can also be found by searching NOIR in the program.
Please note that the schedule below may be subject to change in these uncertain times. See all scheduled paper abstracts here:
Monday 14 June 2021
13:00-15:00 GMT | 8:00-10:00 EST: KEYNOTE PANEL
Distant-times: Future pasts and the information infrastructures of subaltern urbanisation
Ayona Datta University College London
Controlling urban-regional futures through infrastructures?
Olivier Coutard Ecole des Ponts ParisTech – LATTS
Rob Kitchin Maynooth University (Discussant)
15:00-17:00 GMT | 10:00-12:00 EST: (MIS)ALIGNMENTS
Usable Infrastructure Pasts: Mobilizing History for Urban Technology Futures Timothy Moss, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
"This Fluid Situation": Sequencing the Cybernetic Highway at Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, 1961 to 1966 Peter Ekman, University of California, Berkeley, United States
Infrastructures as Conjunctures: From Silk Roads to BRI Katreen Boustani, Indiana University - Bloomington, United States
Hamed Ekbia, Indiana University - Bloomington, United States
Rethinking Urban Infrastructural Change Through Temporal Mismatches and Alignment Jochen Monstadt, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Tuesday 15 June 2021
12:00-14:00 GMT | 7:00-9:00 EST: PRACTICES
The Annihilation of Time by Precarious Access: Time Aspects of Unhoused Persons‘ Infrastructure Practices
Andrea Protschky, Technical University of Darmstadt;
Germany Spectral Infrastructures: Encountering Delays in Chennai
Pushpa Arabindoo, University College London, United Kingdom
Extending Urban Technicities for Extended Urban Regions
AbdouMaliq Simone, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Temporalities of Responsibility: Repositioning Priorities with DIY Infrastructure
Amelia Thorpe, University of New South Wales, Australia
Examining the Spatial-Temporal Imaginaries of Suburban Landscapes of Care
Samantha Biglieri, Ryerson University, Canada
Roger Keil, York University, Canada
Wednesday 16 June 2021
15:00-17:00 GMT | 10:00-12:00 EST: (IM)MOBILITIES
How do ‘alternative’ transport policies travel over time? Exploring the circulation of fare-free public transport
Wojciech Kębłowski, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
“Just-In-Time” Infrastructure: Temporalities of the Platform Turn in Mobility Infrastructure John Stehlin, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, United States
The Sedimented Flows of the Illinois Waterway and the Space of the Corridor
Julie Cidell, University of Illinois, United States
Life and Death on the Tracks: Suspension, Waiting, and Intersecting Temporalities of Infrastructure
Jessica DiCarlo, University of Colorado Boulder, United States
Thursday 17 June 2021
15:00-17:00 GMT | 10:00-12:00 EST: FLOWS
Engineering the Urban Climate: Outdoor Cooling as a Spatial-Thermal fix
Simon Marvin, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Waste of Time? From Rigorous Routines to New Temporal Frameworks in Smart Waste Infrastructures
Fiona McDermott, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Digital Currents: Originary Technicity and the Myth of the Real-Time City
Nathan Olmstead, University of Toronto, Canada
Seasonal Patterns of Change in the Urban Metabolism of Alexandria, Egypt
Mauricio Estrada, University of Bonn, Germany
Friday 18 June 2021
12:00-14:00 GMT | 7:00-9:00 EST: FIXES
Disrupting the Tempo of Global Urban Governance? Or, Off the Cities Circuit in a Time of Crisis
Michele Acuto, University of Melbourne, Australia
Alexei Trundle, University of Melbourne, Australia
Caitlin Morrissey, University of Melbourne, Australia
Global Infrastructures as Spatio-Temporal Fixes: The Role of Fictitious Capital in Constructing Future City-Regional Spaces and Imaginaries
Andy Jonas, University of Hull, United Kingdom
Dissonant Times: The Land-Infrastructure-Finance Nexus in Egypt
Dalia Wahdan, American University of Cairo, Egypt
Tamer Elshayal, Harvard University, United States
Future-Proofing Profits: The Risk Management Practices of Infrastructure-Led Development Seth Schindler, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Miguel Kanai, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom